Five centuries before the coming of Jesus, the king of Babylon (today Baghdad) invaded Israel and deported all its inhabitants to Mesopotamia. Then the prophet Isaiahs voice raised high; he turned to people and encouraged them: After waiting for a long time, the salvation came at last. For us as well, from 20 centuries onwards, Christmas comes every year, as synonymous, often unaware, of joy, peace and family time. These feelings are showed through lightings, decorations, Christmas tree, presepe, gifts and evenings spent in the family. For the believers, the Christmas joy is the same joy announced by the Angels to the shepherds in the holy night.

Our society is becoming more and more multiethnic; the different religions are mixing up: Muslims Animists Orthodox Christians - Catholics.
We differ in culture, traditions, religion, but we are all people who respect each other, enriching in diversity.
Even if we dont know each other, even if we are often diffident, lets try to say to everyone we meet (friends, enemies, indifferent people, unknown people, ideologically - different people):
The translation is by Francesca Ceccarini

And if we will manage to utter it smiling, we will enjoy the true joy of the hearth.