to hte faithful
November is the month dedicated to the faithful departed.
Sometimes also we catholics are doubtful about the value of the prayers and good dids.We need to make it clear and try to remember what was said about the etymological meaning of the ward " SUFRAGE " In our days it has the unmistaka ble meaning of prayers for the dead ones. Really the latin meaning of " Sufrage "means simply " HELP " In recent times we have the real meaning when we talk about electoral suffrage for candidates,a support for a vote.

The only help we can give to the faithful departed is to accelerate the achiviement of the vision to the Beatitude of God.
Is the ward " Accelerate " exact ? We know very well that after life there is no more time or acceleraretion of times . We should remember that we are unable to go beyond with our physical body.
Unfortunally when we talk about the supernatural subject there is nothing we can imagine With our fantasy and neather with our human understanding.
After ali this preamble it is more easy to proclame with the Church Doctrin that our help or sufrage is very important for the faithful departed as it is important for us. Infact as have said that the Church is a Church of the living in God with Christ in three levels : EARTHLY PILGRIMAGE, FINAL PURIFICATION and ETERNAL GLORY . Three levels but the living reality is only one.
What happens in one of these levels resounds in the other two levels. With this we will be able to understand what we can do with our prayers and good dids for the dead and a consolation for our brothers and sisters already enjoing the peace of the heavenly presence of GODS GLORY.
It is easy for us to understand that eather the Saints or our dead ones are helpful to us with the same supernatural meaning.
To reasume ali we have said , we believe by our catholic faith to the validity of our prayers to advantage of our dead ones.
Better stili we must conclude and underline that ali of our spiritual life, good dids, sufferings and also joys elevated to God go to their advantage, even when we do not say it expressely: It is the comunion of the Saints , the more consouling virtue that can happen to the Cristian faith.