Devotion to htr faithful departed



Codice shinistaT <

Non of the convinced catholic doubts of the legitimacy of the power of prayers and good dids addressed to God for the Souls of the faithful departed. Sometimes also we catholics are doubtful about the value of the prayers and good dids.We need to make it clear and try to remember what was said about the etymological meaning of the ward " SUFRAGE " In our days it has the unmistaka ble meaning of prayers for the dead ones. Really the latin meaning of " Sufrage "means simply " HELP " In recent times we have the real meaning when we talk about electoral suffrage for candidates,a support for a vote.


What kind of help do we talk about when we apply it to the fathful departed ? certenly not to material help, for example a medicine, a cup of coffee and so on . The only help we can give to the faithful departed is to accelerate the achiviement of the vision to the Beatitude of God.

Is the ward " Accelerate " exact ? We know very well that after life there is no more time or acceleraretion of times . We should remember that we are unable to go beyond with our physical body.

Unfortunally when we talk about the supernatural subject there is nothing we can imagine With our fantasy and neather with our human understanding.

After ali this preamble it is more easy to proclame with the Church Doctrin that our help or sufrage is very important for the faithful departed as it is important for us. Infact as have said that the Church is a Church of the living in God with Christ in three levels : EARTHLY PILGRIMAGE, FINAL PURIFICATION and ETERNAL GLORY . Three levels but the living reality is only one.

What happens in one of these levels resounds in the other two levels. With this we will be able to understand what we can do with our prayers and good dids for the dead and a consolation for our brothers and sisters already enjoing the peace of the heavenly presence of GODS GLORY.

It is easy for us to understand that eather the Saints or our dead ones are helpful to us with the same supernatural meaning.

To reasume ali we have said , we believe by our catholic faith to the validity of our prayers to advantage of our dead ones.

Better stili we must conclude and underline that ali of our spiritual life, good dids, sufferings and also joys elevated to God go to their advantage, even when we do not say it expressely: It is the comunion of the Saints , the more consouling virtue that can happen to the Cristian faith.


Uma Canção de Amor

Levado para o céu
Voce foi elevado para as alturas, no horizonte do céu,
sob os olhares deles,
sorprendidos e encantados e uma nuvem
te tirou do olhar dos teus apostolos,
desejosos de Ti e felizes somente da Tua presença.
Eis eles a fixar aquele céu, a seguir a nuvem,
a enfrentar a luz e o coração deles que sobe atrás de Ti,
indo para o Pai.
Senhor: Voce vai, sobe ao céu e nós Te seguimos.



To Mary, a model of Faith


To Mary, a model of Faith

Written by H.E. Cardinal
Angelo Comastri

Virgin Mary,
The lantern of Your faith has always been lighted;
You are the Advocate! Put oil in our poor lanterns
so that the light of our life enlightens “the Holy Face of Jesus”.

Virgin Mary, we are people of little faith;
A single sign of difficulty scares us;
A single doubt dampens our enthusiasm.


Evangelio del Domingo Lucas 10,25-37

Evangelio del Domingo Lucas 10,25-37

El amor es la verdad más honda, la que Dios, al mirarnos, ha dejado dibujada en nuestro corazón. Amar es lo más nuestro, nuestra verdad más verdadera, el examen que nos harán a la tarde de la vida. Y lo que Dios ha unido: amar a Dios en el corazón del prójimo y amar al prójimo con el corazón de Dios, que no lo separe nuestro yo egoísta.


Così pregarono i primi cristiani





II primo atto di vita della Chiesa nascente può essere considerato il discorso di Pietro, davanti alla provocazione di chi era accorso al primo segno del terremoto del mattino di Pentecoste e a quel sentir parlare in modo assai strano per loro, cioè ciascuno nella propria lingua.

''Li deridevano e dicevano: Si  sono ubriacati di  mosto (At. 2, 13).L

'apostolo prese la parola,  e tirò giù un discorso del tutto sproporzionato alle possibilità di un pescatore del Genezaret,  anzi riprovevole in uno che non era né rabbi, né levita, dato che, ormai, dovevano essere conosciuti da tutti, per la loro assiduità al tempio.




Una riflessione

Innanzi tutto vediamo brevemente alcune delle cose che Gesú ci ha detto sulla preghiera. Di per se quasi tutto il Vangelo é una lezione sulla preghiera e Gesú risponde quasi sempre alle richieste fatte nelle preghiere  con fede: " tutto quello che chiederete con fede nella preghiera lo otterete" (Mt 21.22) Ha insegnato a perdonare prima della preghiera dicendo:" quando vi mettete a pregare, se avete qualcosa contro qualcuno, perdonate, perché anche il Padre vostro che é nei cieli perdoni a voi i vostri peccati." (Mc 11-25)