
irrefutable proof of the
Divinity of the Messiah

The word miracle indeed means any phenomenon produced by a supernatural force because it escapes the usual laws of nature. It is also confirmed in the popular lexicon, when it is said: "I can not make miracles... I can not do the impossible!". Existence of John the Baptist were sad, studded with troubles and adversities. He will be placed in prison of Machaerus, because he had publicly rebuked Herod, who took possession of Herodias , his brother Philip's wife.


“Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and said unto him, art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?

Jesus answered and said unto them, go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.” (Mt. 11,4-6)

These statements of Christ will be cause for conflict and contradiction: the famous Pharisees will deny the divinity of His doings "... but who do you think you are?".

But He can not be content with words and proclamations. Making miracles is the only way for Him to proof that He is the God who incarnated in man. And the miracles, that He had made, are His irrefutable proofs of this.


The word miracle indeed means any phenomenon produced by a supernatural force because it escapes the usual laws of nature. It is also confirmed in the popular lexicon, when it is said: "I can not make miracles... I can not do the impossible!"

So why the Saints, who are men,
can perform miracles?

There has never been a man even if canonized saint who would be able to perform a miracle which is above nature.

And this also true to Madonna, who is the most exalted creature, but still human.
Yet, especially for believers, the appeal to one or another saint has exactly this motivation - expectation of great miracle.

Immediately clarify the misunderstanding: the request for a grace, a miracle, is always addressed to God, but is done through the intercession of the saint who we ask to help. This being declared with certainty by the Church: the saint, standing before God, may apply for and obtain what is asked in faith.

In fact Jesus is true God and true man, one day he said "Ask what you need, ask me insistently, even if you do not deserve it for your sins, and i answer your requests if you will be insistent".

As the language with God is pray, uncongenial to many of us, we rely on saints to intercede for us.

When the grace is obtained we should not only make a gesture of gratitude to the saint who has obtained mercy, but we should also say with faith, ...

Thank you my Lord


32° Domingo do Tempo Comum

32° Domingo do Tempo Comum
09 Novembro 2014
Festa da Dedicação da Basilica de Latrão
Uma reflexào

A Basilica di São João de Latrão, cuja consagração aconteceu no no 320,  é a Catedral do Papa, enquanto Bispo de Roma.  Ela é a mãe de todas as Igrejas, o simbolo da Igrejas em todo o mundo, unida às volta do sucessor de Pedro. A festa da Dedicação da Basilica de Latrão nos convida a tomar consciencia de que a Igreja de Deus é, hoje, no meio do mundo a "morada de Deus", testemunho vivo da presença de Deus na caminhada historica da humanidade.


Testimony directory


"I will follow you Lord
the way of pain"

Emanuela 31 years old.
Her very short period of life

On May 14 th 1974 a baby giri 50 days old was brought to the baptismal font. I Don Lucio asked to the parents: "What name do you give to your daughter?". “Emanuela” they answered. I explained the meaning of the name "GOD WITH US". We could never think that little Emanuela one day would consecrate her ife to God in the way of pain. Emanuela: at the beginning of my existence it was piaced around my neck a "VIA PASS" to open the entrante gate with the inscription "BAPTIZED” daughter of God. ln my first years of life I was always on my mothers arms and what I did was only sleep and eat.



Letanías al Señor Crucificado


Letanías al Señor Crucificado
para alcanzar la paciencia en las aflicciones
A cada súplica se responde: “DAME UNA SANTA PACIENCIA, SEÑOR”

-Cuando juzgues oportuno someterme a la prueba de la tribulación.
-Cuando me vea agobiado por todas partes de apuros y contrariedades.
-Cuando me falte lo que más necesito.
-Cuando tenga que sufrir las inclemencias del tiempo, el rigor de las estaciones.
-Cuando sienta arder en mis miembros el fuego de la fiebre.
-Cuando me vea sumido en la enfermedad.
-Cuando deseara en vano para mis ojos desvelados un sueño reparador.
-Cuando el mal seque y consuma lentamente mi carne y mis huesos.
-Cuando vengan a llamar a mi puerta las aflicciones de cualquier clase que sean.
-Cuando interiores desolaciones tengan oscurecido y como anublado mi espíritu.






Preghiera di San Bernardo (Paradiso, XXXIII, 1-21)


Preghiera di San Bernardo
(Paradiso, XXXIII, 1-21)

Vergine Madre,figlia del tuo Figlio,
umile e alta più che creatura,
termine fisso d'eterno consiglio,
tu se' colei che l'umana, natura,
nobilitasti sì, che l'suo Fattore
non disdegnò di farsi sua fattura..