
How to
confess well

Under the title of “How to confess well” the Cardinal Angelo Comastri has placed a path for the examination of conscience, that takes into consideration the life in the modern world. Let’s run to the source of Misericordy! The Holy Father has pointed out three spiritual goals to be reached for an authentic and genuine Christian life. Let’s see them! 1. The sacramental confession, as a sign of conversion; 2. The fidelity to the Sunday, Day of the Lord and of the Man; 3. The solidarity towards our brothers, especially with deeds of charity towards those in need.



Receive me into Your Heart, Jesus! For my redemption, You became Man, You died and You resurrected: Your Misericordy is my hope. Forgive me, My Lord, I have sinned much!



Jesus says in the Gospel:

“Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
The truth shall make you free”

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart"

-  Am I a Christian in my everyday life or ….just on the paper?

- Is my faith genuine ad industrious o just… an appearance?
- Am I superstitious? Do I believe in magic?

- When do I pray? Only in need - hen “money and health” are going bad – or always?

- Do I curse or swear against God, the Virgin, the Saints and the Holy Things?
- Do I take part with devotion to the festive Mass, to the Sacrament of Eucharist, to the penitence and to the Catechism?

- Do I speak badly of the Catholic religion, of the Church, of the Pope?

- Are the money, the wellbeing, the carrier, the success, the fun, more important to me than God and the eternal salvation?

"That ye love one another; as I have loved you"

- The Gospel teaches us that it is impossible to love God without loving our brothers. Do I believe that?

- As a son/daughter, am I obedient and respectful towards my parents, grandparents, sisters/brothers and relatives?

- As a fiancé/ée, am I seriously preparing to the wedding, praying together with my partner and living the chastity as an education of the heart to the true and faithful love?

- As a parent, do I worry about the human and Christian education of my children? Do I give them a good example? Do I find some time to spend with them and to pray with them?

- As a husband/wife, am I faithful to the marriage and family’s duties? Am I open to dialogue? Am I patient? Am I able to forgive and to feel sorry for the others, or to understand the others’ limits and faults?

- Do I love the others, following the steps of Jesus? Is it likely for me to criticize the others, to calumny, to envy, to be jealous, and to domineer upon the others?

- As an employer/employee, am I rightful, honest, and respectful of the rights?

- Did I respect the others’ life?

- Did I do abortion or suggest it to someone?

- Did I steal?

- Did I cheat?

- Did I damage public or private belongings?

- Do I drive carefully, respected my and others’ life?


- Do I ever wonder, in front of the Lord, what He asks me, and which is my vocation?

- Do I care about my spiritual life with the daily prayer, with the reading of the Gospel and with the hearing of God’s Word?

- Do I take part attentively and with sense of duty to the community life either on the parish or the diocese level?

- How do I use the time and the precious gifts received by God? 

- Do I engage myself and my time for the others or for the weakest people?

- Do I preserve my heart, my thoughts and my body pure?

- Do I maintain pure my thoughts and desires?

- Do I scandalize others with my behaviour?

- Do I read/watch indecent books, TV shows, internet sites?

- Do I exaggerate in eating, drinking or smoking? Do I use drugs? Do I gamble?

- As a citizen and a Christian, do I attend to all my political and social duties? Do I pay taxes? Do I respect the environment? What else does my conscience reprove me?


O MY GOD, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

If you have recited the Conclusionact of Contriction in your preparation, it is not necessary to repeat it during the confession.

The confession path

The priest welcomes you and gives you a blessing. Then you confess your sins with simplicity, humility, clearness and repentance. The priest will address you some orientating and hopeful words. At the end he will give you the absolution for all your sins and he will give you a "penitence". You may ask the priest  some advices and may be a guide for you in your Christian life. Let’s have just one precaution: maybe, queuing outside the confessional will be other people waiting and eager as you are to have the same amount of time to confess.

Translation by
Dr. Francesca Ceccarini


Imitação..... 3.18 Como, a exemplo de Cristo, devemos levar com serenidade as misérias desta vida.


Imitação..... 3.18
Como, a exemplo de Cristo, devemos levar
com serenidade as misérias desta vida.

Filho, eu descí do céu por tua salvação: não por necessidade mas por amor, tomei sobre mim tuas misérias para que aprendesses a suportar, pacientemente, as misérias temporáis.
Desde a hora do meu nascimento até a morte na cruz, não me faltaram dores e sofrimentos.
Experimentei grande penúria das coisas temporais: ouví muitas vezes queixas contra mim,suportei, benigamente, confusões e opróbios: pelos meus benefícios recebí ingratidões, blasfemas pelos milagres e censura pela minha doutrina.




Mary Magdalene, turned towards Him  and, speaking in Hebrew, said to Him “Rabbuni” which means Teacher (Gv 20,16). It is important to underline that the woman, until now, had spoken with the unknown grave guardian, turning Him her shoulders. She was not interested in Him, she was attracted by that grave, deprived by her beloved Teacher’s corpse. Called by her name, she suddenly changed her look and she was immediately face to face with the man she was  so heartbrokenly looking for : He was really Jesus.


Sobre un alma humilde están entreabiertas


Sobre un alma humilde están entreabiertas
 las compuertas celestiales

“Sobre un alma humilde están entreabiertas las compuertas celestiales y un mar de gracias fluye sobre ella. A tal alma Dios no niega nada; tal alma es omnipotente, ella influye en el destino del mundo entero; a tal alma Dios la eleva hasta su trono y cuanto ella más se humilla tanto más Dios se inclina hacia ella, la persigue con Sus gracias y la acompaña en cada momento con su omnipotencia”
Diario de Santa Faustina, 1306






Restituiscici ad ansie
di incontaminate trasparenze

Santa Maria, donna bellissima, attraverso te vogliamo rin¬graziare il Signore per il mistero della bellezza.
 Egli l'ha disseminata qua e là sulla terra, perché, lungo la strada, ten¬ga deste, nel nostro cuore di viandanti, le nostalgie insop¬primibili del cielo.
La fa risplendere nella maestà delle vette innevate, nel¬l'assorto silenzio dei boschi, nella forza furente del mare, nel brivido profumato dell'erba, nella pace della sera.
Ed è un dono che ci inebria di felicità perché, sia pure per un at¬timo appena, ci concede di mettere lo sguardo nelle feritoie fugaci che danno sull'eterno.