OSI Certified


Mambo is free software released under the GNU General Public License. A copy of this license is included with your copy of Mambo and can also be found at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.html. Unofficial translations can also be found at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/translations.html.


1. Who owns the copyright to Mambo?
The copyright to the Mambo brand and logo is held by Mambo Foundation, a non profit corporation organized under the laws of Australia and run by the membership. Copyrights in the code are owned by the authors. You should be aware that under the GPL who holds the copyright to the code bears little relation to the use of the code. The terms of the GPL, rathe than copyright law, spell out how the code may be used, modified, and distributed.

2. Are there any restrictions to your use of Mambo?
The GNU GPL grants you the freedom to use the software for whatever purpose you see fit.

3. May I charge money to distribute Mambo?
The GPL allows everyone the freedom to do this. The right to charge money to distribute Mambo is part of the definition of "free" software. When people think of "selling software", they usually imagine doing it the way most companies do it, making the software 'proprietary' rather than free. So to avoid ambiguity, you may charge to distribute the software and any other service you provide along the way. You may not charge for the software itself. Remember if someone pays your fee, the GPL also gives him or her the freedom to pass on the software with or without a fee.

4. May I remove "powered by Mambo, Copyright Mambo Foundation” from the footer?
Yes you can, although, we would hope that you would retain it to help spread the word about Mambo.

5. May I remove the "copyright" statements from the source code to Mambo?
No, you must keep all copyright notices and credits in the source code.

6. Does the GPL mean that my web site content is also GPL?
No. The copyright and license of Mambo does not cover the content that you create. Using Mambo does not place any restrictions, legally, on the license or copyright you use for the content of your web site.

7. I have modified Mambo for my own web site. Do I have to release these modifications?
The GPL permits anyone to make a modified version for their own use without the requirement to distribute it or pass on those changes to others.

8. I have made a modification (hack) to the Mambo core code. Do I have to release it under the GPL?
If you chose to distribute your modifications to others it must be released under the same terms that you received the original code. So your modifications must be released under the GPL. You may of course in this case modify the headers for the source code to include your own copyright statement after the original copyright statements. If you do so, you must clearly annotate in the source code your amendments, changes or additions.

9. I have written a Component, Module, Template for Mambo. Do I have to release it under the GPL?
No. The GPL allows you to write your own extensions for Mambo and to release those extensions under whatever license you choose.

10. I have written a Component, Module, Template for Mambo and released it under the GPL and I charge a fee for it, but web site X is giving it away for free! Is that right?
Remember if someone pays your fee, the GPL also gives him or her the freedom to pass on the software with or without a fee because the GNU GPL license must go along with the distribution of the software.

11. May I purchase a copy of Mambo, which has the copyright statements removed?
No. Some GPL products are distributed that way (often called “dual licensing”) but Mambo is not.

12. I believe someone is in breach of the GPL, what should I do?
We would ask you to report it, but please first check all the facts before you send an e-mail to us at: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

13. Who has the power to enforce the GNU GPL license of Mambo?
Only the copyright holder, Mambo Foundation, has the power to do this. If the Mambo Development Team finds, or is made aware of, a breach of the GPL, they will report it to the Foundation for them to take any necessary action.

14. Web site X is using or offering my non-GPL Component, Module, Template without my permission, or in breach of its license, can you help me?
Whilst this is not within the remit or responsibility of Mambo, we are willing to act as intermediaries in this on your behalf. In most cases these situations arise out of simple misunderstandings and can be settled amicably. You should e-mail full details to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

15. What about translations of Mambo? Who owns those?
All translation files, as they are derived works of the original Mambo files, are licensed under the GNU/GPL.

This document refers to the software program Mambo, Version 4.x and all subsequent versions, released under the GNU General Public License and copyrighted Mambo Foundation.

This document is subject to additions, modifications and other changes at any time without notice.

A lawyer has not prepared this document. You should consult a lawyer experienced in copyright, licensing and intellectual property for clarification.

Document Rev. 1.4 - 16 Nov 2005


As causas clinicas


... da morte de Jesus

Muitas vezes nos aproximámos ao evento histórico e ao mistério da morte de Jesus. Agora, queremos analiza-lo, por quanto seja possivel, sob o  ponto de vista clinico, segundo quanto disseram os mais notáveis médicos modernos. Antes de tudo deve ser considerado que um condenado à cruz podia morrer por várias causas, que não influiram sobre aquela de Jesus que foi rápida, por motivos da violência sofrida pela flagelação da qual foi vitima.

Codice shinistaT





The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ is the Co-redemptrix, meaning that Mary uniquely cooperated with Jesus and is entirely subordinate to and dependent upon Jesus, in the historic work of Redemption. Let’s define our terms. What is Redemption? Redemption is the saving act of Jesus Christ, through his life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection, repairing our relationship with the Father by offering just compensation for the sins of humanity, and thus restoring the possibility of sanctifying grace, and friendship between God and humanity, which results in the inheritance of heaven.


Oración por la comunión


Oración por la comunión
A ti, Dios Trinidad,
Dios Comunión,
Dios sin fronteras,
Dios de la paz y la justicia,
Dios de todos los pueblos de la tierra,
levantamos el corazón y las manos esta mañana.
Tú eres la luz que habita en nuestros corazones
y quieres que nos descubramos esa luz unos a otros.
Tú nos das a cada hermano y hermana,
del pueblo, cultura o religión que sea,
como un precioso regalo.



La prima preghiera



I primi cristiani
recitavano il Pater

La preghiera che i primi cristiani elevarono a Dio, appena intesero dagli apostoli Pietro e Giovanni come era andata nella seduta  del Gran Sahnedrin, durante la quale erano stati inquisiti e ammoniti severamente di smetterla  di parlare su Gesù e di far cadere su di essi la colpa della sua morte in croce.


A Maria, donna che conosce la danza


A Maria, donna che
conosce la danza
Facci capire che la festa
 è l'ultima vocazione dell'uomo

Santa Maria donna che ben conosci la danza, ma anche conosci il patire, intenta, già sotto la croce, a come trasporre nei ritmi della festa i rantoli di tuo figlio, aiutaci a comprendere che il dolore non è l'ultima spiaggia dell’uomo.