
On March 25, 1945 Our Lady appeared in Amsterdam to Ida Peerdeman (†1996).
This was the first of 56 apparitions, which took place between 1945 and 1959.
On May 31, 2002, the local bishop came to the conclusion that the apparitions of Amsterdam are of supernatural origin. Our Lady appears under a new title,
 “The Lady of All Nations” or “The Mother of All Nations”.
In this time she wants to be made known and loved by everyone under this title.
In a prophetic way, she gives, above all, an impressive insight about the situation in the Church and in the world. In the messages, Mary gradually reveals a plan with which God wants to save the world and prepare it for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Accordingly, she gives all peoples and nations an image and a prayer:




“You will go through a great deal yet, in this century” (May 31, 1955), Mary says. She promises, though, that if we pray her prayer, “degeneration, disaster and war may be staved off” (Oct. 11, 1953) and spiritual confusion may be conquered.

She has been sent directly in our time as the Lady of All Nations so that “through this prayer, she may deliver the world from a great world catastrophe” (May 10, 1953). 

 What great power this prayer has! Our Lady clearly describes the spiritual condition of our time, “Satan is still the prince of this world. He holds on to everything he can. … The Lady had to bring her prayer now over this satanic world. For the Holy Spirit is still to come over the peoples” (April 4, 1954).
 As the Lady of All Nations she is now sent “in order to expel Satan. … You, however, shall pray my prayer which I gave to the world” (May 31, 1955).

This prayer is therefore a decisive weapon in the fight against Satan. Since you concretely pray that the Holy Spirit come now at this moment, Satan consequently must vanish here and now. We are not praying “vanish Satan!” like an exorcism or Pope Leo XIII’s prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: “…through the divine power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits…”

 Much more, the prayer of Amsterdam incites us to pray with all our heart, “Come Holy Spirit!” For our mother knows that where the Holy Spirit, who is Love, can be found, there is no place for demons, and she who “…stands as Advocate now in this anxious time” (cf. Dec. 31, 1951), “…will be allowed to bring peace to the world” (Oct. 11, 1953).


 The messages of Amsterdam are unique in the history of Marian apparitions because Our Lady gives detailed descriptions of her image in six messages.

Mary appears here as the COREDEMPTRIX in three ways: • She stands, penetrated by God’s light, before the Cross of her Son, with whom she is inseparably united.

• She has a cloth wrapped around her, which she explains, “Listen carefully to what this means. This is as the Loincloth of the Son. For I stand as the Lady before the Cross of the Son” (April 15, 1951).

 • Her hands have radiant Wounds. Thereby Mary describes in an image the suffering of body and soul which she bore in union with her divine Son for the redemption of mankind.

 Again the Lady directs Ida’s attention to her hands and thereby reveals to her that she is MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACE: “Now look at my hands and describe what you see.”

 Now it is as if there had been a wound in the middle of her hands. From there, from each hand, three rays of light are coming forth, shining upon the sheep.
 The Lady smiles and says, “These are three rays, the rays of Grace, Redemption and Peace” (May 31, 1951). Grace from the Father, Redemption from the Son, and Peace from the Holy Spirit. “I have firmly placed my feet upon the globe, for in this time the Father and the Son wants to bring me into this world as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate” (May 31, 1951). “This time is our time” (July 2, 1951).
  In a biblical representation, Mary shows the visionary sheep around the globe which symbolize all the nations and races of the earth. Then she says that they will not find true rest “until they lie down and in tranquility look up at the Cross, the center of this world” (May 31, 1951).

In the apparitions of Amsterdam, Our Lady wished to be called by the title “THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS”. In 1996, in accord with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam, His Excellency, Henrik Bomers, together with his auxiliary bishop and later successor, His Excellency, Jozef M. Punt, issued a decree ( Approbation of the title) in which they permitted the public veneration of Mary under this title. If we consider that Mary mentions her new title more than 150 times in her messages, it must be of exceptional importance. Of course, here is not the place to quote all of these passages, but some of the important ones will help us understand more clearly why Mary waited until 1950 to reveal her new title and what this title means.  Already in the first message Mary announces, “They will call me ‘The Lady’, ‘Mother’” (March 25, 1945), but that was not yet the complete title. Only after Pius XII solemnly proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven on November 1, 1950, Our Lady presents herself immediately in the next message with her new title, “Child, I am standing upon this globe, because I want to be called the Lady of All Nations” (Nov. 16, 1950).

Our Lady explains why she never used this new name in the five years that she had been appearing, “How is it that this is entering the world only now: ‘The Lady of All Nations’? Because the Lord has awaited this time. The other dogmas had to precede, just as her life first had to precede the Lady of All Nations. All the dogmas that preceded comprise the life and the departure of the Lady. For the theologians this simple explanation will be sufficient” (Oct. 5, 1952).

Mary clarifies her new title in a previous sentence with the words of her son, “At the departure of the Lord Jesus Christ, He gave … Mary, to the nations … For He spoke the words, ‘Woman, behold your son; son, behold your mother.’ One act, and by this Miriam, or Mary, received this new title” (Oct. 5, 1952).

 When attentively reading the messages it becomes apparent that the new title is actually a summary of Mary’s coredemptive, mediatory and intercessory vocation.
 In order to make this clear to us, Mary uses her title, her new name THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS often in direct connection with Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.
 “The Lady of All Nations stands in the middle of the world before the Cross. She comes under this name as the Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate, in this time” (Dec. 31, 1951). “I have firmly placed my feet upon the globe, for in this time the Father and the Son want to bring me into this world as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate” (May 31, 1951). Further on in the same message she states, “The Father and the Son wish to send Mary, the Lady of All Nations, in this time as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.”




22 NOVEMBRO 2015

Quando o povo se reuniu para acompanhar Jesus nas estradas de Jerusalém, poucos dias antes de sua morte, cantavam entusiasmados: "  Bendito o que vem em nome do Senhor.......Hosana ao Filho de David.....Hosana ao Rei de Israel...."   não se pode duvidar que era uma solene proclamação para o  Rei/Messias.  O povo não entendia aquele festejo e só foram entender após a Ressureiçaõ ao clarão da luz de Pentecostes. São João nota que o fato de Jesus estar montado num jumentinho, assim se cumpriu a professia de Zacarias.  Jesus não é um rei que entra protegido por militares, ostentando riqueza e poder, sentado num trono e revistido de purpura, mas sim o Rei manso que conquista a terra pelo amor que há no seu coração.


Tudo isso está  presente na Igreja quando comemora a data de Cristo, Rei do Universo, pois está pensando no profundo sentido espiritual que tem o Reino de Cristo, segundo as palavras que Ele mesmo disse ao Governador romano: " Meu reino não é deste mundo (João 18.36)  Pilatos não precesiva temer pensando que Jesus fosse um subversivo, pois o mesmo Jesus lhe disse: "  Se meu reino fosse deste mundo meus suditos teriam combatido para eu não ser entregue nas mãos do judeus..... Eu vim ao mundo para dar testemunho da verdade e quem é da verdade escuta minha voz. ( ibid 37 ) "

Se nos quisermos pertencer ao povo de Cristo temos que estar ao lado da verdade. Quem vai atrás da vaidade, da falsidade, da exterioridade e na superficialidade não estará construindo o reino de Cristo: temos que buscar sempre a verdade e a podemos encontra-la somente na escola de Jesus que é o Mestre.  Ele desceu do alto e nos trouxe o verdadeiro testemunho da verdade de Deus.  Nesta festa de Cristo Rei o povo de Deus é convidado a contemplar com infinita satisfação a grandeza do Rei Divino. 

O  Cristo/Rei é a cabeça do corpo, isto é, da Igreja.Ele é o começo, o primogênito entre os mortos ( o primeiro ressuscitado ) a fim de ter em tudo a primazia.  Se prestamos bem atenção às maravilhosas paginas de Paolo descobrimos que o proprio Paolo nos está ensinando que a Encarnação, coroada pela Ressureição, colocou a natureza humana de Cristo não só à frente de todo genêro humano, mas de todo o universo criado.  Uma primazia total e absoluta.  Aqui está a nossa alegria, a nossa vontade de escutar a grande palavra de esperança: " Jesus, lembre-te de mim, quando vieres com teu reino. (Lc 23.42 ) "
dott.alberto rossini


San Francisco You think


San Francisco, You think

O patron saint of our beloved land  enlightens those who govern, so that nothing fails the poor people  and the entire nation can live , quiet days from every point of view.
 You poor man of Assisi, , you left everything to follow Christ, giving your possessions to the poor,  ago that we learn from you to be detached from earthly goods, to be generous to everyone.  You who were called by the Almighty Lord , to rebuild the destroyed church of your time   guide the steps of those who are the representatives of , the Italian people, because in violation of homelands , and through sound and prudent management , reparation for all damage caused to Italy , especially in the moral, economic and social development.


Santuario Nostra Signora di Oropa


Una Gerusalemme nell'Italia Settentrionale
di Alessio Varisco

Santuario Nostra Signora di Oropa
«Come gioielli incastonati ai piedi delle Alpi, i Sacri Monti furono realizzati nei secoli scorsi come baluardi della fede. Essi rappresentano un importante patrimonio del nostro territorio per la loro indiscussa valenza non solo religiosa, ma anche storica, artistica e culturale». Queste le parole dell’Assessore al Turismo della Regione Piemonte, Giuliana Manica, che aprono un volume edito dai tipi di San Paolo dal titolo “I Sacri Monti nella cultura religiosa e artistica del Nord Italia”.  L’interesse personale per i Sacri Monti mi viene: dalla fede cristiana, dall’affetto verso i luoghi mariani, inoltre a seguito di un crescente interesse per le rese plastiche e l’istoriazioni di vere e proprie Bibbie per i più poveri, nonché dalla pietà popolare e devozionalità del Cinque-Seicento in ambiente alpino sul versante italiano.




Il titolo appare subito quasi.. .impertinente: Quando si ama, non si dice mai troppo. E come non amare la Chiesa, se è nostra Madre e Maestra? - Prendiamo le cose con calma. Seguendo questi `percorsi di una fede in cerca di consapevolezza', poco alla volta ci si faciliterà anche la scoperta di nuova luce, per un inserimento più efficace della fede nel pensiero e nella vita.
Il tema che svolgeremo ci presenterà l'immagine di Chiesa che dobbiamo avere sempre davanti, come punto di riferimento di tutta la nostra esperienza religiosa.
Intanto, per mettere in chiaro da quali presupposti si parte, dobbiamo constatare che oggi si parla più di Chiesa, che di Cristo, più di Chiesa come istituzione che come sacramento di Salvezza.


Preghiera a Sant'Agostino


Preghiera a

O grande Vescovo Agostino, la Chiesa pavese ammira il tuo esempio e la tua dottrina e, con fiducia, invoca la tua paterna intercessione, sicura della tua comprensione e della tua guida. O Agostino, nostro padre e fratello, la tua esperienza di vita ti rende vicino all’uomo smarrito dei nostri giorni, quest’uomo che si porta dietro la sua precarietà e la testimonianza del suo peccato; quest’uomo che pur cercando, sembra incapace di riconoscere le vie della verità. Insegnaci a cercare il Signore e a invocarlo con la fede che egli ci ha donato e ci ha ispirato mediante il suo Figlio fatto uomo.