Pilate and the Sanhedrim
The last round
Shaken by a death he esteemed too sudden,
Bothered by Josephs of Arimathea request for the body,
Troubled by the Sanhedrims request to remove quickly the bodies from the crosses,
Pilate asked himself what else now?

He had showed greater hardness about the crurifragium, the answer left no room for interpretation: the Roman was running out of patience!

Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can (Mt 27, 65)
Those guards were not exactly theirs they were part of the V Band, working for the Procurator and it was entrusted to follow closely the public order for the Temple and the Judaism.

The expression go your way, make it as sure as ye can meant Go anyway and do not bother me anymore!
And with a pragmatic attitude they go and assure the sepulchre, sealing it with a stone and placing guards in front of it.
Operation guarantee with iron axes the stone was fixed and several seals were placed on it, the Sanhedrims themselves placed them: everything was done with the greatest carefulness

Maybe they too have had the strange feeling that that Dead would not be dead for a long time like some decade before their emperor Augustus had.